
Do you deliver?

Yes, We are able to deliver the majority of our products. Delivery charges are extra. 

Can you dump on the driveways / in backyards?

Delivery locations should be curbside or in the front driveway only.

We can dump material on the driveways (provided there is room for the truck and the customer is there to accept the delivery and sign a waiver of liability). Backyards vary. Due to the size of trucks, in order to get it in the backyard we would need easy access consisting of straight shot and 12ft clearance on the sides as well as no overhead obstacles up to 30 ft. 15ft clearance on the sides is required for dump trailers due to the gates opening by swinging to the sides. Ultimately the driver will have the final say as to delivering into a backyard. An additional fee may apply.

If you have questions about if we can deliver to your property, please call us.

How much can you deliver in one truck?

Our largest single dump truck can hold up to 20 tons in a load or 20 cubic yards of mulch.

Do you have a minimum amount for delivery?

Yes, The minimum amount we will deliver will be 2 tons (if product is sold by weight) or 2 cubic yards of material (if product is sold by volume). If you need less than that, we recommend that you pick it up yourself in a pickup truck or truck and trailer.

How soon can you deliver my order?

After you place your order, expect a call from our office on the by the next business day to schedule the delivery. 

Large truck deliveries (6 ½ tons or more if product is sold by the ton or 8 ½ yards or more if product is sold by the yard) typically are 3 – 6 days out on delivering from order date. Small trucks (6 tons or less or 8 yards or less if product sold by the yard) typically are 2 – 4 days out. These are only estimates and are not guarantees and could be more or less depending on demand at the time.

When you deliver, do you spread the material for the customer?

No, when we deliver, the delivery consists of bringing the product to the job site or house and dumping the load typically curbside. Material can also be dumped in the customers driveway (provided there is room for the truck and the customer is there to accept the delivery and sign a waiver of liability).The material in either circumstance is dumped in 1 pile. We do not spread the material as we dump and the drivers time schedule does not allow for them to dump in multiple piles or in multiple areas.


Product Questions

How much does 1 cubic yard weigh?

The weight of each material will vary by each material, as due to their densities they will weigh different.  The majority of our sand, gravels and decorative rocks weigh between 2300 lbs – 2900 lbs per cubic yard. There are outliers such as our Sunburst Rock which weighs just about 2000 lbs per cubic yard and Lava Rock which is much lighter and is sold by the volume due to this.

Hot Asphalt and Concrete Mix weigh closer to 4000 lbs per cubic yard.  

Screened Topsoil weighs like the sand, gravels, and most decorative rocks, But Blended Soils such as Topsoil Blend or Mountain Blend weigh approximately 1500 lbs per cubic yard.

Dyed Mulches can weigh anywhere from 500 – 800 lbs per cubic yard. The weights are for a loose cubic yard. If you compress or compact the material then it would obviously weigh differently.

Do we do asphalt work, such as paving, patching, or repairs?

No, we are only a material supplier. We are not a contractor who can come out and do any work on your job site, but we can refer reliable paving contractors based on your projects needs.

Are any of our rocks and gravels washed?

No, the materials are screened to size and clean of debris but they are not washed through wash plants. They may contain dust and small percentages of fines.

What size trucks will we load?

We will load any size of vehicles provided they are open on top to dump material into. We can load everything from large dump trucks, trucks and trailers, to pickup trucks. We are unable to load any enclosed trailer, box truck, or pickup trucks with bed covers.

Do we sell concrete year around in the tow behind concrete mix carts?

No, we only sell concrete from approximately March – November weather and temperature pending.

Can we put Hot Water or add Calcium to the concrete mix?

No, we do not have the ability to add hot water or add calcium.

Do we run our Asphalt Plant all year round?

We do run our Asphalt Plant year around. We will produce Winter Hot Mix during the winter months which is more expensive than the Hot Mix produced during the summer months. We also have Cold Mix and UPM Premium Cold Mix asphalts available year around.

How many tons are in a cubic yard of rock?

The weight of each material will vary by each material, as due to their density’s they will weigh different.  The majority of our sand, gravels and decorative rocks weigh between 1.15 – 1.45 tons per cubic yard. There are outliers such as our Sunburst Rock which weighs about 1 ton per cubic yard. The weights are for a loose cubic yard. If you compress or compact the material then it would obviously weigh differently.

What’s the best gravel for an RV Pad / Driveway?

You can use either our 3/4″ Construction Gravel, 3/4″ Cottonwood Gravel, or 1” Minus Construction Gravel for driveways and RV Pads. Going smaller than 3/4″ the rocks will move around and vehicles will likely sink in. Going larger than 1” while it works, it may also feel too large while walking on it. But much of this is up to customers preference.

What’s the difference between UPM Premium Cold Mix and MC 250 Cold Mix?

UPM is a premium cold mix material which works great for patching small potholes or trenches. It goes through significant amount of testing and is approved and used by state DOT’s across the country. The holes need to have all 4 sides fully contained in order for the material to stay in place. It does not immediately cure and will take time. See our UPM page for more information https://asphaltmaterials.net/products-services/upm/

MC250 Cold Mix also known as Temporary Cold Mix can be used to fill potholes as well. It is also used for covering edges a trench plates, filling trenches. Or for covering a hole which will be dug back out multiple times using the same material.

What’s the difference between State Spec and Commercial Road Base?

State Spec meets the guidelines put out by UDOT for Road Base, while Commercial Road Base does not meet the same guidelines. We make a Recycled State Spec which consists of mixture of Concrete and Dirt making a compactable base subgrade material. We also produce a Recycled Commercial Road Base which while it is not a spec material, we try to follow the same guidelines. The Commercial Road Base is made using Concrete, Asphalt, and Dirt. The addition of Asphalt is not allowed by UDOT when producing Spec Road Base. We also product a Natural State Spec Road Base at our Bluffdale Gravel Pit. The Natural Road Base is made using Natural Sand and Gravels instead of Recycling Concrete into the mixture. They all compact well and work the same as road base. But when doing a job which requires spec material, use state spec. When doing a private job, you are able to use the commercial road base.

How much does 1 cubic yard cover?

1 cubic yard will cover the following at each depth.

  • 1” deep – 300 Square Feet
  • 2” deep – 150 Square Feet
  • 3” deep – 100 Square Feet
  • 4” deep – 75 Square Feet
  • 5” deep – 60 Square Feet
  • 6” deep – 50 Square Feet

Keep in mind that it is impossible to place a 2” rock 1” deep. Or a 3” – 4” rock 2” deep. The rule of thumb for rock is the bare minimum depth to calculate with is twice the size of the rock with 2” depth as bare minimum. I.E. a 1 ½” Rock should be a minimum a 3” deep. A 2” – 4” rock should be 6” deep. A ½” rock should be 2” deep.

View our calculators here.

How much does 1 ton cover?

1 cubic yard will cover the following at each depth.

  • 1” deep – 220 – 250 Square Feet
  • 2” deep – 110 – 130 Square Feet
  • 3” deep – 75 – 86 Square Feet
  • 4” deep – 55 – 65 Square Feet
  • 5” deep – 44 – 52 Square Feet
  • 6” deep – 37 – 43 Square Feet

Keep in mind that it is impossible to place a 2” rock 1” deep. Or a 3” – 4” rock 2” deep. The rule of thumb for rock is the bare minimum depth to calculate with is twice the size of the rock with 2” depth as bare minimum. I.E. a 1 ½” Rock should be a minimum a 3” deep. A 2” – 4” rock should be 6” deep. A ½” rock should be 2” deep.

View our calculators here.

Which Sand is going to compact the best under pavers, flagstone, or brick?

We recommend Paver Sand for using under those materials.