How to Choose the Right Rock and Sand for Your Needs

Rocks and sand are essential materials for many landscaping projects. They can be used to create beautiful hardscapes, improve drainage, and prevent erosion.

But with so many different types of rocks and sand available, it can be difficult to know which ones are right for your needs.

Kilgore Landscape Center wants to you provide a comprehensive guide to choosing the right rock and sand for your landscaping projects. We'll discuss the different types of rocks and landscaping sand, their properties, and their best uses. We'll also provide tips for choosing the right rocks and sand for your specific needs and budget.

Types of rocks

There are many different types of rocks available for landscaping, each with its own unique properties and appearance. Some of the most common types of rocks used in landscaping include:

Crushed rock: Crushed rock is a type of rock that has been broken down into smaller pieces. It is a versatile material that can be used for a variety of purposes, including drainage, walkways, and driveways. Crushed rock is available in a variety of colors and sizes, so you can choose the right type for your project.

Gravel: Gravel is a type of rock that is slightly larger than crushed rock. It is a good choice for walkways, driveways, and patios because of its excellent drainage properties. Gravel is also available in a variety of colors and sizes. 

Boulders: Boulders are large rocks that can be used to create dramatic focal points in your landscape. They can also be used to build retaining walls and other structures. Browse Kilgore’s selection of boulders:

Decorative rocks: Decorative rocks are small, colorful rocks that can be used to add interest to your landscape. They can be used to create borders, pathways, and other features. Decorative rocks have many colors and styles to suit your specific style.

River Rock: River rocks are smooth, rounded stones typically found in riverbeds. They are ideal for creating natural-looking landscapes, as they mimic the appearance of riverbeds. River rocks come in various colors, such as brown, tan, and gray.

Types of sand

There are also many different types of landscaping sand available for landscaping, each with its own unique properties and uses. Some of the most common types of sand used in landscaping include:

Play sand: This sand is a type of sand that is specifically designed for use in playgrounds and other play areas. It is a soft, fine-grained sand that is safe for children to play in.

Masonry sand: Masonry sand is a type of sand that is used in construction projects. It is a coarse-grained sand that is strong and durable. Masonry sand is not recommended for use in landscaping projects, as it can be too compacted and difficult for plants to grow in.

Blend sand: Blend Sand is compactable sand used under pavers, flagstone, etc. It is used to create a base for walkways, patios, and other hardscapes. It is a coarse-grained sand that is well-draining. This type of bedding sand is also a good choice for filling in holes and other depressions in your landscape.

Sandy Loam Topsoil: Topsoil is a type of soil that is rich in organic matter. It is a good choice for planting beds and other areas where you want to grow plants. Topsoil is not recommended for use in hardscape projects, as it can be too soft and unstable.

Choosing the right rock and sand for your needs

When choosing the right rock and sand for your landscaping needs, it is important to consider the following factors:

Purpose: What do you need the rock or landscaping sand for? Are you using it to create a walkway, driveway, or patio? Are you using it to fill in a hole or depression in your landscape? Are you using it to improve drainage? Once you know the purpose of the rock or sand, you can choose the right type for the job.

Appearance: What is the desired look of your landscape? Do you want a natural look with boulders and decorative rocks? Or do you want a more formal look with crushed rock and gravel? Choose rocks and sand that complement the overall style of your landscape.

Drainage: Consider the drainage properties of the sand, especially if you're using it as a base for hardscaping projects. Proper drainage is essential to prevent issues like pooling water.

Texture: The texture of the sand can affect both aesthetics and functionality. Finer sands create smoother surfaces, while coarser sands may be better for leveling.

Quantity: Calculate the amount of sand you need carefully to avoid overordering or falling short during your project.

Maintenance: Think about the level of maintenance you are willing to undertake. Some rocks require more maintenance than others to keep their appearance.

Budget: Rocks and sand can range in price from relatively inexpensive to very expensive. Set a budget for your project before you start shopping so that you don't overspend.

Tips for choosing the right rock and sand

Here are a few tips for choosing the right rock and sand for your landscaping needs:

  1. Visit Kilgore’s store in person. They will have a wide variety of rocks and sand to choose from, and they can help you choose the right type for your project. We have a wide variety of materials on display, allowing you to see and touch the options firsthand. 
  2. Ask for recommendations. We have knowledgeable staff can provide valuable advice and guidance based on your specific needs and goals. Also, If you know someone who has a beautiful landscape, ask them what type of rocks and sand they used.
  3. Read reviews. Once you've narrowed down your choices, read reviews of different products to gain insight into what other customers have experienced during their landscape projects. This can help you make an informed decision.
  4. Order more than you need. It's better to order slightly more rocks and sand than you think you'll need to avoid the frustration of running short during your project. Having extra materials on hand can be helpful for future landscaping needs as well.



Now that you know how to choose the right rock and landscaping sand for your landscaping needs, you're ready to start shopping! Kilgore Landscape Center offers a wide variety of high-quality rocks and sand products to choose from, all at competitive prices. We have the perfect rocks and sand for any landscaping project, big or small.

Visit our website or give us a call today to learn more about our rock and sand products and to get a free quote. We're here to help you choose the right rocks and sand for your needs and to make your landscaping project a success!