Great Flowers for Planting in Northern Utah

With a scarcity of rainfall and heaps of snow in the winter, gardening can be quite the challenge for those living in the Wasatch front in Utah. Rainfall tends to be at only around 16 inches per year, and temperatures in the summer are frequently over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Gardeners and flower enthusiasts living here should not feel discouraged, however—there are still many varieties of flowers that can thrive in the climate that northern Utah offers. The first step is knowing which flowers to plant and choosing varieties that tend to thrive without a great deal of water. Here is a list of some of the best flowers to plant in northern Utah in the Salt Lake valley region.


Daylilies are beautiful trumpet-shaped flowers that come in a variety of colors ranging from purple and blue to orange, red, and pink. They are especially easy to grow and bloom in the spring and summer.


There are a few different species of aster that bloom at different times of the year, mainly fall and spring. These are also low maintenance and come in many colors.

Lily of the Valley

These grow as bundles of tiny bell-like pink or white flowers next to long, green leaves. The flowers are distinguishable by how they grow with the flowers facing downward. These bloom in the spring and do still need moist soil to grow, so plan to water your garden accordingly.

Pincushion Flower

These are especially large blooms that are drought resistant and bloom in the summer and fall. Their centers, with many little “pins” sticking out, resemble pincushions and give the flower its name.


There are many varieties of phlox, but in general, this flower blooms in the late spring and summer in colors ranging from red and pink to white and lavender.


These beautiful blooms come in a variety of colors—commonly red, pink, and white—and are generally quite tall at around 12 inches. They tend to bloom in the spring and summer.


This beautiful little flower is most commonly powder blue in color but can also be pink or white. They bloom in the spring and early summer.

English Lavender

This wonderfully scented flower blooms in late summer and is very high at 3 to 4 feet in height. It is known for its classic purple color and is often used in perfumes and scented sachets.

Shasta Daisy

This classic-looking white flower is very drought tolerant and blooms in the summer and fall. It makes a wonderful addition to any bouquet.

Black Eyed Susan

These blooms look almost like miniature sunflowers and come out in the summer and fall. They are a bright golden yellow-orange color and are conveniently drought tolerant.